Friday, September 9, 2011

Reaquainted with an Old Friend - The Terrible Two's

It has happened - we are back to living in the land of the Terrible Two's.  Ryan has been an absolutely sweet baby.  He is my cuddle-bug, never-let-mommy-get-too-far, bear hug little angel... until the switch was flipped this weekend! 

We now go from this cute little bug...

to this...

Does this even look like the same child?  (I had to add all three pictures in for the effect.)  And our handsome handful #2 isn't even two until January!  He still really is a sweetheart and has the greatest belly laugh that only "Bubba" can make bubble out every time.  This too shall pass, however...

I remember, very vividly, walking into Andrew's three year well-check and saying to our pediatrician "Whew! Thank goodness we are done with two's!"  Only to receive a sly smirk in response and his forecast of the future "Oh honey, three's are going to rock your world!"  And how right he was!!! 

Andrew is a sweet, fun lovin' guy...but a little too smart for his own good!  He is just a tad bit of a drama King (don't have any clue where he gets this lovely trait from, do you?) and loves to be independent.  He is a good kid, but has quite the ornery streak (I blame it on the charming red hair).  Right now at his ripe age of four, he loves sports (mainly golf - just like Dad, soccer, baseball and football), anything outdoors, our dogs, and food (veggies mostly!).  He is taking karate lessons and has been talking a lot lately about the piano and violin.  I just may have to break out the ole' saxophone and see if it inspires...

But what he is really pumped about right now with the weather changing is...

rooting on the Hansen's beloved Hawkeyes!  (And eating chicken strips...he really wanted me to take this picture of him eating with his helmet on - funny kid!)

I love my boys and each stage of their little lives.  Isn't it fun to note each developmental change and love them through it?  It is no wonder why Jesus LOVES the children!

1 comment:

  1. They look so much alike. Drew is a big boy now. The days of him in those Hawkeyes outfits as a little one, when everyone else was in Sooner gear. It was to stickin cute.
    Xo Erica and Miss Tina



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