Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Greatest of These Is...


How many times have you heard how powerful this little four letter word is?  It has so many meanings to so many people.  When studying Dr. Gary Smalley's Guarding Your Child's Heart, it really made me think about how I define love and how I share my love with the people in my life, and even complete strangers.

My great grandma used to always say "God says you have to love everyone, but He didn't say anything about liking them.  But, I love you and I like you."

Life has been just a little stressful lately - as I'm sure the majority of you can attest to - and I have not been my chipper, cheerful self as much as I usually am.  And that hurts in thinking how I let what I am feeling internally seep into how I relate and react to those people I encounter daily.  Especially when we are a conduit of Christ's love to everyone we meet.

I also had a brief epiphany during the study - that God's Love is described in the Bible.  Yes, you read about His love over and over again...saving human-kind by telling Noah to build an ark and take his family on board, forgiving the people of Israel for 40 years while they wandered in the desert falling in and out of love with God, and sending the ultimate gift of love - his son Jesus Christ to die for the world's sins.  But it has never sunk in that the "Fruits of the Spirit", love, patience, kindness, etc., was defining God's love so specifically.  How did I miss this?

Of course I thought that this was describing how we should strife to love - such a new way to look at my relationship with God.

There are so many wonderful people in my life that help me see the world in a different, clearer view every day.  Thank you. 

What a wonderful week of thanks!

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