It has been a whirlwind since my last post.
We have loaded up the biggest Uhaul I have ever seen, the infamous trailer (if you missed Moving Tip #2, you can read it here), and three SUV's full of our valuables, memorables, and junk.
This happened all in one day, and we showed up at the new casa at 10:30pm...after telling my parents at NOON to stay at home because we were only one to two hours away from having everything loaded up and cleaned. We didn't leave until almost 7pm.
Within 5 minutes of walking out the door and starting the trip to our new home, my hardworking husband opened up the sliding door to the patio from the living room to walk around the back yard one last time. A huge gust of wind blew about 100+ leaves into the living room.
Moving Tip #3: BEWARE of the wind. It can be a beast.
But that doesn't conclude the example of Moving Tip #3, oh no.
We closed on our home on Tuesday. We began the trip back to the town we moved from by picking up Andrew from his first day at his new school. (He loved it, but missed his best friend, Sarah.)
We wait at the title company for our turn to sign the documents. We drink some coffee, eat some yummy cookies, and then watch the buyer walk-run out of the building. Hmmm.
They call us back to sign. We sign and sign and sign. And then they tell us we are basically closed, but not officially because the buyer has misplaced her cashier's check. She is retracing her steps to find the check. She has already been to the bank and they won't reissue her another check for 90 days unless they have the original check to the house is not technically sold without that check. Yikes!
Mike, our realtor and myself walk out to the parking lot just to see if it is somewhere out there. Our realtor mumbled something like, "What are the chances?" He walked down to a pond at the bottom of the hill, and came back with a soaked piece of paper. No kidding! He fished the check out of the pond with a stick.
I warn you again - BEWARE of the wind! It likes to capture leaves and money!
With all that behind us, I can't tell you how nice it is to be sitting here in our new living room with my husband right next to me for the sixth night in a row. So GOOD!
It makes me realize just how much we have missed as a family these last six months.
But it also makes me think about who we all are today because of the experience of living apart. We both show how much we cherish each other a lot more openly than we did before.
The only one who seems to be having a harder adjustment is Ryan. Poor little guy. He has been so used to it just being mommy taking care of him that he has freaked out a couple of times when daddy has taken over.
He has been my shadow and quite the little helper since we moved last Sunday.
I love having us all together. I am excited about making memories together as a family again.
And can't wait to document them.
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