Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Bonds That Tie

This is a heartfelt, mixed emotion, loving tribute to my baby sister, Melissa.

Yesterday, she climbed into her car and started the next chapter of her life by driving to Arizona (14 hours away! boohoo!) to be closer to her fiance and begin the search for a dietetics internship.

It was extremely sad to see her go, of course.  Everyone LOVES their Aunt LaLa.  But it was especially sad because it marks a finality in my mind of truly growing up and being a "grown-up" family.

I don't know if that even makes an ounce of sense, but it is a page of the "Mac-Family" book that will never be re-opened (except for in home movies and digging through the huge box of pictures).  Growing up is done in the house of Mac.  I know this is hard for my parents.  I just didn't realize it would hit me like a ton of bricks too.  I mean, I have two children of my own and seven years of bliss (oh yes, bliss!) behind Mike and me.  You would think that the growing up thing had already sunk in!

Melissa has always been the comic relief in our family, especially with my dad.  She walks into the room and the tension relaxes somehow.  I wouldn't say she was the peacemaker...that's my job as the oldest sibling, but certainly the expert timing, knowing-just-what-to-say, crack-the-perfect-joke sister.  She is the baby of the family and has always played her part well... waiting until you were in the kitchen getting some ice cream and then begging you to bring some to her too... making Megan feel guilty enough to help her clean her room, and then leaving Megan (without her realizing it!) to clean it by herself... being the female version of Van Wilder...

I am really going to miss having her so close.  Smurf Dance Party will certainly not be the same without her.  But at least the wonderfully goofy poems written in birthday cards are sure to be better!

So, with her poems in mind, I give you the Melissa poem in honor of the next chapter of her life... (Disclaimer - our family is a little odd):

The Melissa Poem
Melissa, Melissa, our dear Melissa,
How did we all so fastly grow?
It isn't easy watching you go and go and go and go (it is a LONG way out there).
I look forward to skiing and trees so tall,
I hope you will not ever see me fall.
You are so dear,
and that is why I'm sad you won't be near
but I'll love you always through the year.

Keep your ear down so you can hear
the stampede of Hansen's drawing near.
Whenever the snow starts to fall
we will certainly come far to call.

Now to get this poem on track
I just want you to know we want you to be happy
so I guess that means you will never be back.
But if you do,
Smurf Dance Party is waiting just for you!

God's shower of immense blessings rain down on you, dear sister and friend.

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