Thursday, May 17, 2012

Therapist Needed

Okay, so if you haven't noticed by now I'M worried because it appears I am having a major blog identity CRISIS!

I was thinking about changing the look of my blog's layout, but somehow (being the self-proclaimed novice I am) I did more than I intended to and now I am hopeless.

I don't know if this is a reflection of my life right now, but I am beginning to see some similarities!

For instance...

  • I hear God speaking to me about some major changes and decisions I have been struggling with recently.  I mean, it has been LOUD and CLEAR. Which is what I have been asking Him for, but I just can't seem to obey.  He was even been talking to me through a co-worker and the lady who cut my hair last night, so what's the problem?  Why can't I take the leap of faith?  Do you ever find yourself in the middle of these struggles?  It seems like such an easy decision when you remove yourself from what you know you need to do.  I don't know if that made sense to you, but it hits me hard.

This is what I envision when I think of God sending me His powerful message and His loving grace.

  • This is silly when compared to just pouring my heart out above, but we are about to need to purchase a new car for me, which = our main "family" vehicle.  I desperately want a Ford Flex, but realistically that might be out just out of our reach right now.  Just like I wanted to jazz up my blog and have failed at the current moment, I really would love to upgrade to a nice family vehicle that will meet some of the travel wants (I have) with a third seat in tow.

  • Shopping.  Something that every, well most every, girl l.o.v.e.s.  But here's the thing, I don't know if it is because I keep being reminded that I am approaching 3.0. or if tastes just can change drastically overnight, but I am having a very hard time finding clothes that I like.  Which believe me - I have never had this problem before.  (It would be typical for Mike to groan about now since I just mentioned clothes.  I enjoy the same response when I mention our closet).  Here's the thing, I have not been one to pay full price for my clothes.  I walk into any store and immediately dart for the sale rack first.  But what I find is just not what my mind's eye has there waiting for me to uncover, love and take home.  So, like the look of my blog, I am having a hard time depicting just what my look is at this point in my life.  And maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with the fact that five days out of the week I am now wearing more "casual" wear instead of my normal work dress apparel.  Aha!

  • Finding or reinventing the person you think that you were, are, want to be is hard work.  Giving it ALL to my Lord and Savior is the first step.

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