Happy Valentine's Day!
I think this post is only appropriate on this day of love.
I have already cried over this topic today. On my drive home. When I have lots of time to think now with 1 1/2 hour drive both ways.
I have been listening to books on tape. Well, I guess I shouldn't say "books" because I have just completed the first book.
I started the next book checked out from the library tonight - Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families by Stephen R. Covey.
The book really found me. I have to admit I was looking for another period romance novel. I LOVE Victoria Holt-type of books.
After listening for almost 2 hours, I am really glad I went with my gut and picked it up off the shelf.
Andrew is a very curious, high energy, expressive, funny and intense little guy. I struggle with re-framing the way I think about all of his energy and little boy craziness - not thinking negative thoughts about his attitude and trying times.
I really hate when I have this frame of mind. I know it makes my attitude and his response to my attitude very destructive. I end up getting exasperated and wishing that he could just be a normal, well-behaved little boy.
I am very embarrassed to admit this. But if you have a little red head who is extremely independent with an Irish flair, you know where I am coming from.
Stephen Covey talked (or wrote) about the way we view our children. We are the ones who assign people labels that we expect them to live up to instead of fostering their true makeup and seeing their circumstances for what they are.
I cannot tell you how many times I have been at the brink of breaking with Andrew. Or I hate to say, I have hit the wall and I don't like how I have reacted.
I know this parent thing is all about learning each stage as you grow as a family. But I don't like the thought of having regrets for the way I choose to respond and set an example for my children.
I am reaffirming my faith in myself as a parent, re-framing my own description of Andrew to be positive and committing myself to due diligence in my prayer and Bible reading time.
My new motto from another great family author Dr. Gary Smalley:
High Honor. low anger.
Love on my children, my husband, our family. With gentleness, grace, and selfless love.
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