This is dedicated to all the single mommies of our world.
Single Mommy = Superwoman.
I have always had SO much respect for the single women whom I have had the privilege to know or meet. But all that respect changed when six months ago, I technically became a single mother in my own right. Mike had taken a job in other town almost 2 hours away. I stayed put with the boys and my full time job while our house was on the market. The past six months have been an emotional roller coaster for everyone. But I feel like Andrew really was affected the most by the separation, even though he was being told it was only temporary and Mike and I were burning rubber on the road both ways as much as possible.
S.U.P.E.R.W.O.M.E.N. I don't care what the circumstance is, but living life as a single mom is hard and rewarding all at the same time. It is draining and exhilarating in one breath. On one hand you are loving and caring for these little people in your life, and on the other you are attempting to meet the demands of the grown-up world (house payment, car maintenance, extracurricular activities for the kids, etc.) I don't claim to be an expert since my situation is not even close to the super mommy that I have had the privilege of living next door to for the past three years, but my dose of single mommy-hood has increased my respect for single mothers times 1,000.
I will never forget the first night that we were at home after Mike began his new job (the day before our anniversary). We started adding one step to our nightly routine...bath, pjs, brush teeth, two daddy. On the third night, same routine, but daddy didn't answer the phone. Andrew left this message, "Daddy, I love you sooooo much. Why did you leave us? I want you to come home." Heart.Breaking. Mike and I were both in tears. But we would be together again soon, right?
Well, six months later, yes. We are finally moving this weekend and I want to shout on top of a mountain that we will be a family all under one roof, together at last. That got me thinking about all the single mothers I was going to leave behind. It made me cry.
These women are of the strongest kind. They fight battles daily at work and at home, and they win some too. They keep a household, a family and a full time job together with just their love and determination as glue. Amazing.
If you know a single mother, I challenge you to be her cheerleader. Send her flowers and a note of encouragement just because, she deserves them more than anyone I know. Offer to watch her children so she can go to a movie or grocery shopping by herself or so she can simply stay at home and paint her nails.
Tell her how much you admire her, because she is truly amazing.
To all the Superwomen I know, you are extraordinary. I pray for blessings beyond measure for you and yours. Love always...
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