Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hansen Sunday Comics...on Wednesday (hey, it's still a church day)

Just a few funnies that have happened over the past couple of weeks:

1.  Andrew announced to me the other morning, "Mom, I don't like your hair."  "Why not Andrew?"  "Well, do you like it mom?"  "Sure I like it," was my response.  "Well, don't you want to be pretty like Rapunzel? Huh, mom?"  "I do think Rapunzel is pretty.  You don't think that I look like Rapunzel?"  "Uh, no mom.  You would have to have long gorgeous hair to be pretty like Rapunzel.  Sorry, mom, it's just me tellin' the truth."

2. The last couple of nights during our normal getting-ready-for-bed routine Ryan has chucked his pacifier from his changing table to his bed.  The first night he did this, I had him standing up to take off his shirt.  He told me "Stop!" and then took his pacifier out of his mouth and in one quick motion flung it over towards his bed.  Well, it landed perfectly square in the middle of the bed.  He looked over at me and gave me a huge grin.  Too cute.  BUT, then the next night same thing happened... taking off his clothes, he told me to "stop!", the curve ball, and I'll be darn if he nailed the strike again!  He has now performed this nightly toss five times with a four out of five winning streak.  Each time with the huge, satisfied grin on his face.  Such a character!

3. We have a border collie, Lucy, and a dog that we have adopted from my boss named Zoe who is a wheaten terrier mix.  They both are the cutest things ever - UNTIL the jump over our brick wall fence that is on one side of our house.  They never seem to make the quick jail break until I am running late in the morning and have to get out the door quickly.  I would typically not think to include this in a "Sunday Comics" post, but when the jailbirds busted free the other morning I was at my wits end.  We were already running about 10-15 minutes behind.  Following my ranting about the "No good animals. They don't know how well they have it...", Andrew looked at me and calmly said, "Well mom, it would teach them a good lesson if they received a bad consequence for their bad actions." I love when your children repeat great parenting tid bits they have heard far too often.

4. Andrew talks in his sleep.  Mike and I love to go in and kiss his forehead one last time on our way to bed.  And this is why... I just leaned down to kiss his forehead tonight and he turns over after feeling my lips brush his face mumbling "No mommy, I love you too much."  Heart.Over.Flowing.

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