Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The 5 Marvelous Wonder Years

Today is your day, Andrew!

The past five years have sprinted by in a blur. 

You are just as charming and interested in life as you were when you were an itty-bitty 9 lbs 1 oz ball of love when God blessed us with you that wonderful night five years ago.  You were born now - 9:50pm - on that cold October night. 

Everyone was so excited to meet you.  The nursing staff had to continually scold those family members and friends who were waiting by the door outside the hospital room.  We were all SO excited to welcome you into our loving family.

You were such a precious baby boy.  You were just a perfect little guy.  You hardly cried unless you were hungry - and you had a healthy appetite from the very beginning! 

At 9 weeks old you were sleeping through the night from 7:30pm to 7:30am.  You loved to eat and sleep so much that we joked about you being like Garfield (Grandpa McKinley's favorite cartoon character)!  You have always had a very predictable schedule.  And you still get a little out of sorts if you don't keep to the routine.

You also played the role of Jesus at just a ripe age of 2 months.  And you did beautifully!  Right before the finale of the choir's Christmas cantata, I handed you to Joseph who in turn handed me the baby doll they had been using.  He turned and walked back to the middle of the stage and at just the right moment raised you up in the air (Simba from Lion King style).  You kicked and looked out towards the audience and everyone gasped with surprise!  You did the exact same cue a second time too!

You have always kept us smiling and on our toes.  You have an easy, go-lucky sense of humor.  And, boy, do you love to laugh.  That's okay with me, because I love to laugh too!  The picture of you in the golf bag made headlines at the Ping National Sales Meeting.  Your picture was shown after the President said that they had been having weird messages left about the items they were shipping with their golf bags.  After beginning what everyone thought was some sort of reprimand, he throws this picture up on the big screen for hundreds of reps to see.  What a celebrity! 

You began walking at 10 months-old, and have never stopped running since!  You were also eating whole apples with a full set of teeth by then too!

At two you were completely in love with finding out about the world around you, and you didn't have any reservations to wonder (or race) off to explore.  I would have to chase after you because you never would look back.  You just knew I would be following you (in a dead sprint!).

As a three year-old you were just as curious, and your independence to do things on your own was more than noticed!  You loved the idea of becoming a big brother - and were determined you were going to have a sister.  Your vocabulary was wonderful for your age.  You were communicating clearly without any trouble in understanding what you were saying.  You have always aligned yourself with an older group of children.

At four years-old, you were full of adventure, excitement and love for your family.  You were still figuring out your role as an older brother, but doing so beautifully.  You truly love the world around you and the people God has placed in it for you to meet and know.

I can't wait to see what life has in store for you this year!  You bring so much to Mommy, Daddy and Ryan's life every day.  Thank you for all the belly laughs, giggles, endless curiosity, gentle kindness and an enduring love for our Heavenly Father and Jesus.  Chocolate Milk Cheers to Five, Andrew!  We love you!!!

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